RICH AND POWERFUL PUREBLOOD FAMILIES have always had a strong influence on wizarding society. in britain, the importance of a pureblood lineage spurred the creation of the 'sacred twenty-eight'. north america is no the twenty-first century, some of wizarding america’s families have become more progressive and liberal with their approach to nomajes and nomaj-borns. many others have remained staunchly anti-nomaj and pureblood supremacist. regardless of politics, no family is free of dark secrets — but maybe it's best to keep those to yourself, lest you anger an aristocrat.behind the extravagant galas and political campaigns, a danger looms, beyond the sheltered mansion walls, and in the dirtied, cobbled streets walked and paved by common men. it seems the skirmishes and rivalries of noble families might soon be overshadowed by a much more dangerous force.

BOMBS GO OFF AT THE ANNUAL ROCKEFELLER CHRISTMAS BALL, where every noble family — even some from europe — are in attendance. eighteen people are killed, including lucius and narcissa malfoy of britain's sacred twenty-eight. panic spreads across america, and so does international outcry.the crime is attributed to one ADAM BISHOP, a mysterious dark wizard heading the group known as ICHOR. what began as a vigilante group exposing the crimes of noble families — from practicing dark magic to engaging with criminal syndicates — quickly turned deadly. when the rockefeller ball was attacked, the group claimed responsibility, and was effectively branded a terrorist group by MACUSA president carter buchanan.allegedly, ichor has recruited agents and spies who might even be hidden in macusa and ilvermorny, in their mission to MAKE GODS BLEEDthe haunting images of dead aristocrats cover the front pages of every newspaper. it's difficult not to ask yourself: are the days of the pureblood nobility over? or have they had it coming for a long, long time?

founded &. created by : chance &. puck.
administrated by : chance &. seph.
filters used : shooting the moon by @davidhallers &. listen!! no gradients! by @bettsfilters

RIVALRIEScovington v sterling : the two families have always struggled for influence in the south.kingsley v rockefeller : the kingsleys and the rockefellers disagree on almost everything. the two families couldn't be more further apart.buchanan v rockefeller : when the rockefellers first began building their fortune during their mob days, they attacked a buchanan, out of envy for the buchanan's political power. though david rockefeller is attempting to make amends, some old wounds have yet to heal.buchanan, horowitz v covington, sterling : the buchanans and horowitzes have both criticized the sterlings and covingtons for their 'outdated' practices in arranged marriages and their prejudice against nomajes and nomajborns.

CRUMBLING RIVALRIEShorowitz v rockefeller : for decades, the two families have hated each other and fought at every turn. however, david rockefeller's marriage to esther horowitz has brought an end to their rivalry.


ALLIANCEShorowitz & rockefeller : alliance formed and rivalry settled after esther horowitz marries david rockefeller.buchanan & horowitz & rockefeller : political allies; all three are liberal families.avila & fontaine & szeto : neutral parties; tend to be well-liked by every family.

CRUMBLING ALLIANCESsterling & covington & rockefeller : ever since david rockefeller married esther horowitz and became the rockefeller heir, he's slowly shifted his family away from conservatism and into the center.


_ *it is suggested that you view the mega-tree in a screen bigger than a phone screen. just so your device will not lag._

some notes on the WORLD BUILDING ... !

one: if you are planning on joining as a member of one of the noble families, please take note on their stances re: no-majes &. nomaj-borns! that is, unless your character is specifically from a family that's comfortable with using nomaj technology (i.e. the fontaines and the kingsleys), then they probably wouldn't be utilizing nomaj tech.two: please don't feel limited to create a character in one of the noble families! while we are no longer accepting noble bloodlines, you may create your own pureblood bloodline (lesser nobles, one might say). furthermore, you can always join as a half-blood or a nomajborn!three: in relation to the note above, please don't feel limited by your faceclaim options as well! unless the ethnicity of the noble family has been set (i.e. the buchanans, the szetos, etc.), feel free to use faceclaims of color in the other noble families as well— especially as there are people that marry into the noble families.four: werewolves, legilimens, veela heritage, and other special magical abilities are allowed! however, given that these are special, they will be limited. as of the moment, there is no definite number, though if you wish to portray your character as such, please contact one of the admins!five: don’t feel limited to ilvermorny as well! if you think it fits your character, they may study in international wizarding schools. the szetos, for example, don’t study in ilvermorny, but rather at the guangdong school of magic in china.six: characters that are ichor members are more than welcome to join! however, if your character is from a noble family and joins ichor, please make sure there is plausible reason for them to!